Felikus Illiselymagus


Felikus is a red dragon and was born into the noble Illiselymagus family renowned for their powerful magics and esteemed library. He was sheltered as a child and mainly focused on his studies. Unfortunately, Felikus has very little control over his own magic leading to powerful yet completely random and chaotic events. His parents consider him an embarassment, so he tends not to cast magic often. He works as the only librarian at the Illiselymagus Library known for its esoteric knowledge and bountiful books. Felikus has read quite a lot from the library even the ones he's not technically allowed to read. He enjoys reading children's picture books the most, though. His fondness for reading led many others to diminutively nickname him "Study," but he does enjoy being called that.


Felikus is a shy dragon and spends time with those he trusts. Once you get to know him, he is very kind and thoughtful. He tends to spoil his friends and loved ones the most with gifts. He comes off a bit naive, but this doesnt't make him a pushover, though. He can be quite rude and critical if he suspects something. He also tends to correct people causing him to be known as a bit of a know-it-all, but it's never done with ill intent. He just likes to be informative. Due to his noble upbringing,he is a bit out of touch with the common folk. Additionally, he is plagued with self doubt and insecurity over his failure to properly cast spells.



Kohl first came into the Illiselymagus Library looking for inspiration and other tales to tell. They immediately got distracted by Felikus who was completely oblivious to Kohl's flirting. Out of embarassment, Kohl left the library as quickly as they could. They'd later find each other at Kurrus' tavern and officially introduce themselves. Felikus would help Kohl with research on interesting folklore and stories to tell, and Kohl would show Felikus around the common areas to learn more about the town they live in. Their research and explorations would lead them to in trouble, though, mostly unscathed. However, they would have fun and enjoy each other's company.

Sankro Viterna

Sankro makes frequent visits to the Illiselymagus Library, but one day, he had bumped into Felikus causing him to drop various stacks of books. As his good deed, Sankro helped Felikus with placing books and . Felikus was touched by Sankro's willingness to make things right. They would become fast friends and bond over their knowledge of religious scriptures. Together, they'd analyze the words, cultures, and ideas of various gods. Through what they learn, they're able to understand how to get through the hardships in their lives better and become closer friends, too.

Fortimer Durathisyks

The Durathisyks and Illiselymagus family have been rivals for ages. However, the Illiselymagus always had the upper hand. This rivalry was instilled into their upcoming heirs: Felikus and Fortimer. As such, they would attempt to one up each other through their magic. Although, neither Felikus or Fortimer truly felt it was right, but it was expected as the heirs of rivaling families. In an attempt to prove himself, Fortimer would challenge Felikus to a duel. Through sheer luck, Felikus won, devastating Fortimer. Felikus, upon seeing Fortimer's reaction, would extend an olive branch and explain how he didn't want to be rivals. Fortimer understood and wanted that as well but was terrified of what his parents would think. Felikus came up with the idea to continue to publically dislike each other but be friendly outside of it to which Fortimer agreed. They would both meet up at [Kurrus' tavern] in secret and get to know each other as friends.


Although Felikus had been going to [Kurrus' Tavern], he worked up the courage to speak to Kurrus after a while. They didn't have a great first introduction due to Felikus' awkwardness and Kurrus' stand offish nature. Through quiet and slow conversations, they enjoyed each others company through tea and reading. A few drinks helped as well leading to many drunken filled arguments about who's interpretation is more satisfying to the theme and overall story. Often times they open up to each other through said arugments and come to understand each other better. More importantly, they'd understand who's interpretation they both like better. Eventually, Felikus and Kurrus would host weekly book club meetings at [Kurrus' tavern] as another fun activity. It wouldn't attract as many visitors, but they were able to discuss their favorite books leisurely. Although they aren't super close, they are able to find solace in the fact that someone else enjoys reading long and difficult novels.


At one of the various noble family parties he must attend, Felikus took a break from socializing with various other noble people at a bar. Skepta so happened to be there as well, and they took their oppurtunity to talk to the one and only Illiselymagus heir. Although Felikus was reluctant to talk to [Skepta last name] due to the rumors about the use of devil magic and underhanded trickery, the two hit it off and related to each other's social plights. On occassion, they were seen speaking to each other leading to rumors between their families. As a result, Felikus' parents told him to stay away, so Skepta had the idea of meeting secretly at [Kurrus' tavern] as a random taven would be the last place they would look. Felikus and Skepta would continue to secrelty meet at [Kurrus' tavern] and build a strong friendship with each other.


They first is Latin for "tailor," and their last name is a combination of the words "love" and "hate."